Specialty Services

The Animal Health Center provides expert veterinary care. Just as your primary care physician may refer you to a specialist when you need advanced or specialty care, your regular veterinarian may refer your animal to a specialist at the AHC.

The following is an overview of the many different specialties we provide:

Dentistry Dermatology Emergency/Critical Care Equine Medicine & Surgery Large & Farm Animal Neurology & Neurosurgery Oncology Ophthalmology Small Animal Internal Medicine Small Animal Surgery Theriogenology


The AHC provides veterinary dental services under the direction of Dr. Diana Eubanks, who is a Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners and a Fellow of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry. Services provided include routine dental care and referral cases, including exodontics, endodontics and restorative work. Dr. Eubanks is also available to provide consultation to your primary veterinarian upon request.

Good oral health, including routine dental maintenance is an important part of your pet’s overall health.

A veterinary student brushes a golden retriever's teethThe following are indications that your pet may need to have his or her teeth examined:

  • Bad breath
  • Tartar covered teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Excessive drooling
  • Bleeding from the mouth
  • Loss of appetite

Appointments for evaluations of new patients may be made by calling (662) 325- 1351 or through referral by your primary care veterinarian.


A veterinarian, a student, and a technician examine a cat's earsThe AHC provides dermatology services under the direction of Dr. Juli Gunter, who is a board-certified veterinary dermatologist. Dr. Gunter manages the investigation and treatment of skin diseases and allergies in dogs and cats and provides consultation when needed for the AHC’s equine clinicians. She is also available to discuss referral cases with your primary veterinarian upon request.

After an initial examination, Dr. Gunter and her team of veterinary students will provide a tentative diagnosis and a detailed plan for further testing, treatment and long term care for your pet.

It is extremely helpful to keep your primary veterinarian involved with your pet’s care because previous records, diagnostic tests and responses to medications can be useful in interpreting your pet’s skin issues. Also, procedures often need to be repeated as skin conditions can change over time. A dermatology specialist working with your primary care veterinarian is most often the key to effectively managing your pet’s skin condition; most dermatological cases require long term care.

Commonly Treated Conditions:

  • Allergy and allergy-induced skin diseases (pollen and environmental allergies, food allergies, and insect/parasite hypersensitivities) and the long-term management of these conditions
  • Chronic or recurrent ear infections
  • Bacterial, fungal and parasitic skin diseases
  • Autoimmune and immune-mediated skin diseases
  • Skin manifestations of systemic disease (cancer, cysts, tumors, metabolic disorders)
  • Hair loss disorders
  • Nail disorders

Appointments for evaluations of new patients may be made by calling (662) 325-1351 or through referral by your primary care veterinarian.

Emergency/Critical Care

Experiencing a veterinary emergency? Call (662)325-1351!

Two veterinary students monitor a dog in ICUThe AHC offers 24-hour, 365-days-a-year emergency, critical and intensive care services. Our emergency and critical care veterinarians and team members are trained to handle complicated and demanding emergency situations and have access to the latest equipment and advanced diagnostics. They work in conjunction with MSU CVM faculty and are dedicated to providing our patients with high-quality, compassionate care and our pet owners with superior customer service.

Our team stands ready in the event you and your pet need us.

Emergency or critical care is needed for patients in the following instances:

  • Traumatic injuries (vehicular trauma, bite wounds and bullet, knife or burn injuries)
  • Excessive bleeding/in need of blood transfusions/known bleeding disorders
  • Exhibiting signs of shock (weakness, pale gums, cold limbs and an abnormal heart rate)
  • Unconscious/unresponsive
  • Trouble urinating or producing inappropriate amounts of urine (too much or too little)
  • Trouble breathing/in need supplemental oxygen/cat with open-mouth breathing
  • Seizures or other neurologic abnormalities such as unable to stand or walk
  • Exposure to or ingestion of a toxin (insecticides, pesticides, certain plants and foods)
  • Foaming at mouth or prolonged or explosive vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Abnormal heart rate or rhythm/exercise intolerance or episodes of syncope (fainting)
  • Animals suffering from extreme temperatures (heatstroke or hypothermia)
  • Difficulty giving birth

Once emergency patients are stabilized, the emergency and critical care team works to determine appropriate short- and long-term treatment needs. When necessary, patients are admitted to the AHC Intensive Care Unit. This special area is staffed with clinicians and caregivers who specialize in providing the highly intensive care and monitoring critical patients need, and it is equipped with the latest, most advanced equipment and technology.

A veterinary student monitors an ICU patientThe AHC ICU Team has access to and/or provides the following specialty treatments and services:

  • Advanced Diagnostics (blood tests, digital radiographs, ultrasound, advanced imaging including CT and MRI) 
  • Acute pain management
  • Stabilization and monitoring of patients with snake bites, heatstroke, toxin exposures, near drowning, bite wounds, vehicular traumas and other such issues
  • Oxygen therapy (additional oxygen supplementation via oxygen cage or ventilation due to respiratory distress or neurologic disease)
  • Management of diabetic and endocrine emergencies
  • Pre-operative stabilization for surgical patients including constant rate infusions for pain, administration of fluid therapy, blood transfusions, antibiotics, anti-seizure medications and other biologic products (antivenin, albumin, lipid therapy)
  • Intensive monitoring for critical or post-operative patients (continuous electrocardiogram monitoring, blood pressure, pulse oximetry, urine production, neurologic status)
  • Provision of nutrition for patients with chronic disease​

In some cases, patients require long-term treatment, which could require consultation with additional specialists, further diagnostics procedures and surgical or medical management. Once the emergency and critical care needs of your pet are met, our clinicians will communicate with your veterinarian and work with you to meet your wishes concerning consultation with or referral to any other specialist(s) needed to ensure the best possible long-term outcome. We are committed to providing excellent customer service and ensuring your pet receives individualized, high-quality and compassionate care!

Equine Medicine & Surgery

Two vets look at computer data for a horse pictured in the background

A full range of primary and tertiary care is available for horses at the AHC. All patients are managed by a team consisting of a senior faculty member, resident, intern and third- and fourth-year veterinary students, as well as certified veterinary technicians.

We welcome the opportunity to provide routine care, as this allows us to not only serve our local and surrounding areas, but to teach MSU CVM students the principles of equine health maintenance. Services provided include nutritional counseling, disease surveillance, parasite control, dentistry, Coggins testing and vaccination programs.

We also pride ourselves in providing advanced services for referral and tertiary care patients, working closely with referring veterinarians when rendering specialty diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical services. We are pleased to offer the following special facilities for our patients:

  • Air conditioned and heated stalls
  • Isolation stalls
  • Neurologic stall
  • Sand stall for laminitic patients
  • Stocks for standing procedures
  • Anesthetic induction and recovery stalls
  • State-of-the art surgical suites

Our equine internal medicine service cares for sick neonatal foals, horses with upper and lower airway diseases, non-surgical gastrointestinal disorders, and neurologic abnormalities.

Our equine surgical service performs both soft-tissue and orthopedic surgeries, including routine and complex fracture repair, colic surgery, upper airway surgery, laceration repair, and advanced wound treatment. In addition, the surgery service performs lameness examinations and both surgical and non-surgical treatment to relieve pain and promote the athletic potential of our patients.

The following minimally invasive diagnostic and treatment modalities and specialty services are offered:

  • Gastroscopy
  • Upper airway endoscopy
  • Sinoscopy
  • Laparoscopy
  • Thorocoscopy
  • Arthroscopy
  • Angular & flexural limb deformity repair
  • Tenoscopy/Burascopy
  • Urethrocystocopy

We also perform ultrasonography of the pulmonary, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal systems. Our hospital also offers digital radiography and CT diagnostic imaging, enabling us to gain images of all regions of the horse.

In addition, the AHC equine service also provides emergency care 24/7 for sick and injured horses. Services include emergency colic surgery, orthopedic procedures, and wound repair and management. While most emergency cases are sent to us by referral, we offer primary emergency care, as well.

Leading by the Reins

At MSU CVM a specialty unit, Theriogenology, provides reproductive-related services for all species, and field calls are handled by the Ambulatory Service Team in our population and production medicine unit. 

Dr. Nabors uses a hammer and anvil to fit a horseshoe for an equine patient

The AHC also boasts an outstanding veterinary podiatrist, Dr. Ben Nabors, who provides specialized trimming and shoeing in collaboration with the equine service faculty. Dr. Nabors has conducted extensive research and is especially interested in how appropriate shoeing affects lameness.

Finding the Perfect Fit

For your convenience, please print and complete this Patient Information Form to save time upon arrival for all services rendered through the AHC Equine Service. If you have questions or would like additional information, just give us a call at (662) 325-1400.

Meet Our Team


  • Alison Eddy, DVM, DACVS-LA
  • Cathleen (Cate) Mochal-King, DVM, MS, DACVS-LA
  • Robin Fontenot, DVM, MS, DACVS-LA
  • Caitlin O'Shea, DVM, MS, DACVS-LA, CVA
  • Bryan Waldridge, DVM, MS, DABVP, DACVIM (LAIM)
  • Julie White, DVM, MBA, cVMA, DACVIM (LAIM) 


  • Caitlin Wenzel, DVM
  • Chris Stokes, DVM
  • Hannah Fain, DVM

Rotating Interns (Rotate between Equine Medicine and Equine Surgery)

  • Morgan Allbaugh, DVM
  • Chloe Bening, DVM


  • Ashley Bennett
  • Eva Marin
  • Brentson Hall
  • Noel Crittenden
  • Tamara Thomas
  • Mya Dixon

Large and Farm Animal Medicine

For large/farm animal EMERGENCY cases, call (662) 325-1351.

A veterinarian and three students examine a cowVeterinarians in the AHC Large and Farm Animal Medicine Service provide both basic and referral care for cattle, goats, sheep, and pigs. They provide specialty diagnostic, therapeutic, surgical and outbreak investigation services, working closely with referring veterinarians and owners to ensure the best possible outcome for their animals. The service also works hand-in-hand with large animal surgeons in the AHC Equine Service to offer patients general and orthopedic surgical procedures. Our team also works with camelid species.

Farm animal veterinarians are entrusted with the safety and security of the nation’s foods of animal origin at the grassroots level. That responsibility is, indeed, the first step in the continuum of food supply-chain surveillance that safeguards our country’s milk, meat and eggs. The role farm animal veterinarians play in the prevention and control of foreign animal disease outbreaks has become increasingly important with the expansion of global trade and the spread of infectious diseases.

To schedule an appointment with the large and farm animal service, call (662) 325-1400.

Meet our Team:


  • Amelia Woolums, DVM, MVSc, PhD, DACVIM, ACVM
  • Gretchen Grissett, DVM, MS, DACVM
  • Jennifer Beam, DVM
  • Will Crosby, DVM, PhD


  • Dixie Jackson, CVT
  • Savannah Pitts

Ambulatory Service Team

A veterinarian and two students examine a cow in a penThe large and farm animal medicine service also boasts an Ambulatory Service Team that provides on-the-farm care for all species of large animals. This includes both routine and emergency care for either an individual patient or an entire herd. In the event a procedure too involved to be performed on the farm is needed, animals are referred to the large animal section of the AHC.

Our ambulatory clinicians have a wealth of experience and are able to provide a wide range of services, from basic preventative care to in-depth procedures.

The ambulatory service team can be reached at (662) 325-6759.

Meet our Team:


  • David Christiansen, DVM
  • Jim Brett, DVM
  • Kevin Walters, DVM, DACT
  • Issac Jumper, DVM, PhD, DACVPM, Dipl. Epidemiology


  • Terri Snead, CVT

Neurology and Neurosurgery

Veterinarians perform brain surgeryNeurological services at the AHC are rendered by a team of veterinary neurologists and neurosurgeons specially trained to investigate, diagnose and treat all types of neurological disorders.

Commonly Diagnosed Conditions & Services Provided:

  • Intervertebral disc herniation
  • Encephalitis/meningitis
  • Epilepsy and seizure disorders
  • Brain and spinal cord tumors
  • Vestibular conditions/disease
  • Wobbler syndrome
  • Lumbosacral disease/cauda equine syndrome
  • Neuromuscular disorders
  • Head trauma
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Spinal fractures
  • Spinal malformations
  • Chiari malformations
  • Hydrocephalus surgery

Four veterinarians perform a neurological surgeryMeet our Team:

  • Andy Shores, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVIM (Neurology) Service Chief and Clinical Professor
  • Michaela Beasley, DVM, MS, CCRP, MBA, DACVIM (Neurology), Associate Clinical Professor
  • Chun-Sheng (Jason) Lee, BVM, MS, DACVIM (Neurology), Assistant Clinical Professor

House Officers

  • John Du, DVM
  • Roman Torres, DVM
  • Michelle Mendoza, DVM, MS, MBA
  • Thora Siu, DVM
  • Adrianna Alire, DVM
  • Sukhmeen Kaur, DVM


  • Ashley Whitten
  • Madison Dye, CVT
  • Tre'von Bobbitt, CVT

Appointments for evaluations of new patients must be made through referral by your primary care veterinarian. They should call (662) 325-1351 to schedule your pet’s initial appointment as well as to share your pet’s history/medical records.


A veterinary oncologist examines her patientThe AHC Oncology Service boasts outstanding diagnostic and therapeutic options for dogs and cats with cancer.  We provide innovative treatment for the whole patient, while offering hope and compassion with a goal of complete healing.

Diagnostic options include:

  • fine needle aspirates/cytology
  • incisional and excisional biopsies
  • bone marrow sampling
  • advanced imaging such as digital radiography, ultrasonography, CT, and MRI. 

We work with other service specialties provided through the AHC, including pathology, radiology, and surgery to rapidly obtain accurate results and to guide patient care.

Treatment options include:

  • surgery
  • radiation therapy
  • chemotherapy
  • a combination of these components. 

We also offer immunotherapy for canine melanoma. 

Chemotherapy is administered on site, typically on an outpatient basis. 

No matter the tumor type or treatment, our primary goal is always to maintain the best possible quality of life for each of our patients during their therapy.  As such, treatment plans are tailored to the individual needs of patients and their families, and our experienced team of oncologic professionals provide unmatched care every step of the way!

Appointments for evaluations of new patients must be made through referral. Your primary care veterinarian can call us at (662)325-7016 to coordinate referral appointments or to discuss management of your pet’s case with a member of our team.

Meet our Team:

  • John Thomason, DVM, MS, DACVIM (SAIM)
  • Jamie Cantey, CVT


Two veterinary ophthalmologists examine a dogVeterinary ophthalmology services at the AHC are rendered under the leadership of Dr. Caroline Betbeze a board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist who diagnoses and treats all types of eye conditions in small, large, and exotic animals.  Our ophthalmology team also consults bi-monthly at our Flowood location (AERC). They are available to consult with referring veterinarians on their more difficult ocular cases.

Commonly diagnosed conditions and services:

  • Cataract surgery
  • Eyelid reconstruction
  • Intraocular surgery
  • Corneal surgery
  • Third eyelid gland replacements
  • Prosthetic globe implants
  • Preventive procedures and care

Meet our Team:

  • Caroline Betbeze, DVM, MS, Associate Clinical Professor
  • Jacqueline Peraza, DVM
  • Sam Marzano, DVM
  • Asha Bolton, CVT
  • Ravyn Jones, CVT

Appointments for evaluations of new patients must be made through referral by your primary care veterinarian. They should call (662) 325-1351 to schedule your pet’s initial appointment as well as to share your pet’s history/medical records.

Small Animal Internal Medicine

A veterinary student holds a puppyInternists on the AHC Small Animal Internal Medicine Service manage a wide spectrum of non-surgical specialties such as critical care, cardiology, endocrinology, oncology, hematology, and transfusion medicine. This service also works hand-in-hand with the large animal surgeons in the AHC Equine Service for orthopedic and specialty surgical procedures.

Referral services include comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic investigations of challenging small animal internal medicine cases. Our tertiary care capabilities include a broad spectrum of imaging techniques, endoscopy services, and a state-of-the-art intensive care unit.

Advanced Imaging Services:

  • Digital radiography
  • Ultrasonography (including echocardiography)
  • Fluoroscopy
  • Computerized tomography
  • Magnetic resonance imaging 
  • Interventional radiology

Endoscopy Services:

  • Rhinoscopy
  • Otoscopy
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Gastroduodenoscopy
  • Colonoscopy
  • Urethrocystoscopy
  • Endoscopic biopsies
  • Percutaneous endoscopically-guided gastrostomy (PEG) tube placement
  • Foreign body removal
  • Balloon dilation of esophageal strictures

Specialized Techniques:

  • Ultrasound-guided tissue aspiration and biopsies
  • Bone marrow collection
  • Joint fluid collection
  • Transtracheal washes and bronchoalveolar lavage
  • Cerebrospinal fluid collection
  • Transfusion with blood and specialized blood products
  • Placement of tracheal stents for treatment of tracheal collapse
  • Placement of urethral stents in patients with malignant urethral obstructions

Meet our Team:


  • Andrew Mackin, BSc, BVMS, MVS, DVSc, FANZCVSc, DACVIM, Professor and Department Head
  • John Thomason, DVM, MS, DACVIM, Associate Professor
  • Alyssa Sullivant, DVM, MS, DACVIM, Assistant Professor


MSU CVM offers a three-year, ACVIM-approved, specialty residency training program.

  • Vanessa Emming, DVM
  • Brooke Salehzadeh, DVM
  • Chloe Colon, DVM
  • Rachel Claus, DVM
  • Natalie Parkins, DVM

Veterinary Technicians

  • Nikki Harris, CVT
  • Patricia Pounders, CVT
  • Kelly Weddle, CVT
  • Lisa Pritchard, CVT

Small Animal Surgery

A veterinary student performs surgery The AHC Small Animal Surgery Service accepts referrals for soft tissue, orthopedic and oncologic surgeries, working closely with each patient’s referring veterinarian and owner to provide the best possible care for complex surgical conditions. Our team also provides emergency surgical services and offers telephone consultation with primary care veterinarians upon request.

While your pet is under our care, all medical decisions and procedures will be supervised by an American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS) board-certified surgeon. These surgeons have completed a minimum of a one-year internship, followed by a three-year residency program that meets guidelines established by the ACVS. In addition to completing their residency requirements, these individuals have also passed a rigorous certification examination to become an ACVS Diplomate.

During your visit, you will work with a team consisting of an attending surgeon, surgical resident, intern, veterinary student, and a veterinary technician. This team approach allows us to provide excellent care for your pet, in addition to providing clinical teaching to the students, interns and residents on the team.

A veterinary surgery team We offer state-of-the-art facilities with advanced imaging services, including digital radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging to aid in diagnosis of your pet’s condition. We also offer advanced surgical treatments such as repair of complicated fractures, minimally invasive surgery (arthroscopy and laparoscopy) and oncologic surgery.

Meet our Team:

Attending Surgeons

  • Michael Jaffe, DVM, MS, CCRP, Diplomate ACVS, Associate Professor and Service Chief
  • Betsy Swanson, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS-SA, Associate Professor
  • Sarah Castaldo, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS, Assistant Clinical Professor 
  • Melody Whitney, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS-SA, Assistant Clinical Professor


  • Seila Day, DVM
  • Wes Beamon, DVM
  • Alex Chu, DVM
  • Yi-Jen Chang, DVM


Surgery Ward Technician

  • Nikki LaCoss, CVT
  • Ashlee Reed, CVT

Operating Room Nurses

  • Lisa Conner, Supervisor
  • Josie Bettinger
  • David Matthews
  • Ann Thompson

Services Provided 

Orthopedic Surgery

Routine and complex fracture repair

  • Bone plating
  • Linear and circular external fixation
  • Interlocking nail
  • Pin and wire fixation
  • Screw fixation
  • Splint and cast fixation

Stifle (knee) surgery

Hip surgery

Elbow surgery

  • Canine elbow dysplasia
  • Fragmented medial coronoid process (FMCP)
  • Ununited anconeal process (UAP)
  • Humeral OCD
  • Elbow luxation

Shoulder surgery


  • Carpus
  • Tarsus
  • Stifle
  • Elbow
  • Shoulder

Ligament and tendon injuries

Limb deformity correction


Minimally invasive surgery

  • Arthroscopy
  • Minimally invasive fracture repair

Soft Tissue and Oncologic Surgery

Gastrointestinal surgery

Liver/Biliary Surgery

Urogenital surgery

Other Abdominal Surgery

Head/Neck surgery

Hernia Repair

Thoracic surgery

Skin/Reconstructive surgery

  • Skin flaps
  • Skin grafts
  • Treatment of complex wounds

Minimally invasive surgery

  • Laparoscopy
    • Abdominal exploratory with biopsies
    • Laparoscopic spay
    • Laparoscopic gastropexy
  • Thoracoscopy
    • Thoracic exploratory with biopsies
    • Pericardial window
    • Partial lung lobectomy

Oncologic surgery


Veterinary students listen to their instructor before examining a cowThe AHC Theriogenology Service provides reproductive care for all species of animals. In addition to the management of breeding and treatment for infertility, we perform breeding soundness (fertility assessment) exams, manage obstetrical emergencies, and perform surgeries to restore function in animals that have had reproductive tract injuries.

We also offer assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures such as embryo transfer, semen cryopreservation, and endoscopically-aided artificial insemination. 

Meet our Team:


  • Darcie Sidelinger, DVM, DACT
  • Heath King, DVM, MS, DACT
  • Jack Smith, DVM, DACT
  • Kevin Walters, DVM, MS, DACT