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Greetings from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Mississippi State University

Dear Friends,

As I celebrate my first year of service as dean of MSU CVM, I want to share with you what a rewarding experience it has been and how excited I am for our future.

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Dr. Nicholas Frank, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Mississippi State University, poses in front of a few cows.I have learned so much about the college, and although there is still much to discover, I can say without hesitation that the strength of MSU CVM is our people. Our college has a strong sense of community, and further developing this will remain my number one priority. Community is the foundation upon which everything else is built. Our facilities and programs are impressive, but it is our PEOPLE who make the difference. People here make you feel like family, and I have experienced that firsthand. Another significant strength of our college is its commitment to our mission, which, as part of a land-grant university, is focused on teaching, research, and service. We teach veterinary, veterinary medical technology, and graduate students, and I am so impressed by the commitment of our faculty and staff. Our graduates are recognized throughout the country for being prepared to practice. Research is also an integral part of what we do. The discovery of new knowledge and investigation of diseases is of vital importance to our world. Our college is recognized for work focused on problems affecting animals, agriculture, and aquaculture, not only in Mississippi but across the globe. This work is closely tied to the service component of our mission, which is in large part fulfilled through our hospitals and diagnostic laboratories. The experts in these facilities and the services they provide have a direct impact on animals and people and are, perhaps, the most tangible example of how we are taking care of what matters.


I am proud of all that has been accomplished and the positive changes implemented over the last year to help further our mission! These include everything from the addition of new positions and naming of new directors in our hospitals and diagnostic laboratories; the expansion of our mental health and wellness services; and the creation of a formal alumni association, to the establishment of the Dr. Elton Mac Huddleston Rural Veterinarians Scholarship Program, and the watershed $18-million allocation from the Mississippi Legislature to begin construction on phases one and two of our clinical expansion and renovation to address the shortage of rural veterinary practitioners in our state and across the country. I am also pleased share that we are expanding our outreach and communication efforts to better inform you of the happenings and accomplishments at the college. A new annual publication called Insights replaces the print version of the Pegasus Press magazine and it includes a new section containing annual report figures.  We encourage you to sign up for the digital version of Insights, but we are happy to send you a printed magazine in the mail if this is your preference.  In January 2025, Pegasus Press switches to a monthly digital newsletter that can only be received online. We want to share information with you more frequently and the Pegasus Press e-newsletter will contain links to stories on our website. The college’s website is being updated and improved, and new stories will be posted every week. We also encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


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Much has been accomplished at MSU CVM, yet we remain committed to all that is on the horizon. We will continue to improve teaching, advance research, and expand facilities and services. And, we will remain focused on our people to see these things realized.

Thank you for making me feel so welcome and for your support of our college. I am thankful for a successful beginning to what I hope will become many productive years as your dean.

My best to you, and Hail State-


Nicholas Frank, DVM, PhD, DACVIM

Dean, MSU College of Veterinary Medicine.