Dr. Larry Hanson

Dr. Larry Hanson


  • Interim Department Head and Professor


Office: (662) 325-1130



  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Veterinary Medicine and Science, Louisiana State University and A&M College, 1990



  • Health Maintenance and Principal Microbial Diseases of Cultured Fishes. Ames, Iowa, USA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. 2011

Book, Chapter

  • Channel Catfish Viral Disease. Fish Viruses and Bacteria: Pathobiology and Protection. Ed. Woo, P.T.K.; Cipriano, R.C.. CABI. 91-102. 2017
  • Alloherpesviruses of Fish. Aquaculture Virology. Ed. Kibenge, F. S.; Godoy, M. G.. Amsterdam: Academic Press. 153-172. 2016
  • Ictalurid Herpesvirus 1. Molecular Detection of Animal Viral Pathogens. Ed. Liu, D.. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. 797-806. 2016
  • Ictalurivirus. The Springer Index of Viruses. Ed. Tidona, C. A.; Darai, G.. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 725-733. 2012

Conference Proceeding

  • Establishment and use of a channel catfish cDNA microarray to identify gene expression response to Edwardsiella ictaluri challenge..  .
  • Expression analysis of selected immune relevant genes in channel catfish in response to Edwardsiella ictaluri infection..  .
  • Laser capture microdissection and histochemistry identify the cellular basis of changes in the spleen of channel catfish with enteric septicemia of catfish..  .
  • Searching For the Environmental Reservoirs of Antibiotic Resistance in Commercial Catfish Ponds in The Mississippi Delta.  American Society of Microbiology - Joint Branch Meeting of South Central and KY-TN Branches. 2024
  • Searching for the environmental reservoirs of antibiotic resistance in commercial catfish ponds in the Mississippi Delta.  Fish Health Section Annual Meeting and 63rd Western Fish Disease Workshop. 2024
  • In Search Of A Polyvalent, Orally Delivered Edwardsiella Vaccine In Hybrid Catfish (Blue Catfish ♂× Channel Catfish ♀).  47th EFHW. 2024

Journal Article


  • Channel Catfish Virus Vaccine. Mississippi State University. Page 12. 2001

Published Abstract

  • Haplotype shift and genomic variation in atypical Aeromonas hydrophila (aAh) isolates of channel catfish aquaculture in the southeastern US. . The Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease. 2020
  • Genomic analysis of atypical Aeromonas hydrophila (aAh) from catfish aquaculture in the southeastern United States with evidence of haplotype shifts from diagnostic case submissions. . AFS-FHS Virtual Summer Seminar Series. 2020



  • "Biotic and abiotic factors associated with outbreaks of an emergent strain of Aeromonas hydrophila in catfish aquaculture." 40th Eastern Fish Health Workshop, American Fisheries Society, Charlston SC. 2015

Oral Presentation

  • "Investigation into the portals of entry and disease progression of Ictalurid herpesvirus 1 (IcHv 1) in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, blue catfish, I. furcatus, and channel x blue catfish hybrids." 47th Annual Workshop, Eastern Fish Health, Gulfport, MS. 2024
  • ". Investigation into the portals of entry and disease progression of Ictalurid herpesvirus 1 in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, blue catfish, I. furcatus, and their hybrid cross using in situ hybridization." Amer Soc Microbiol S Central Annual Branch Mtg, American Society for Microbiology, Little Rock, AR. 2023
  • "The effect of microcystin-LR exposure on gene expression of channel catfish." Amer Soc Microbiol S Central Annual Branch Mtg, American Society for Microbiology, Little Rock, AR. 2023
  • "Unraveling the Role of the Tight Adherence (Tad) Operon in Pathogenicity of Epidemic Aeromonas hydrophila." Amer Soc Microbiol S Central Annual Branch Mtg, American Society for Microbiology, Little Rock, AR. 2023
  • "Surveys and sampling of the aquaculture industry in Nigeria reveal the need to enhance the safety and judicious use of antimicrobials." Avoiding AMR together: Ensuring healthy and safe aquatic foods, FAO World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week Webinar , Bangladesh. 2023
  • "Drivers of disease emergence in aquaculture and AMR." FAO Reference Centres on Antimicrobial Resistance and Aquaculture Biosecurity, Food and Agriculture Organization World Antimicrobial Resistance , Rome, Italy. 2023
  • "Fighting AMR with research, service, and extension." FAO Reference Centres on Antimicrobial Resistance and Aquaculture Biosecurity, FAO World Antimicrobial Resistance , Rome, Italy. 2023
  • "Development and Evaluation of Live-Attenuated Vaccine Candidates Against Edwardsiella piscicida in Blue (Ictalurus furcatus) x Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Hybrids." American Soc for Microbiol S Central Branch Annual Mtg, American Society for Microbiology, Little Rock, AR. 2023
  • "Implementation of Best Management Practices in Nigerian Aquaculture: Capacity Building and Approaches." Implementation of Best Management Practices in Aquaculture and e-Technology Platform Adoption for Sustainable Aquaculture Development in Nigeria, USAID-FIL Aquaculture Project Biosecurity Workshop, Ibadan Nigeria . 2023
  • "Genome sequencing, annotation, and phylogenomic analysis of channel catfish virus field isolates from farm-raised catfish in the southeastern United States from 1970-2019." 46th Annual Workshop, Eastern Fish Health, Atlantic Beach, NC. 2023
  • "Microbial community diversity in channel catfish ponds: a comprehensive study from 'the delta'." 46th Annual Workshop, Eastern Fish Health, Atlantic Beach, NC. 2023
  • "Isolation and characterization of Klebsiella and Pseudomonas species from farmed African catfish in Nigeria and their implications." Aquaculture America, World Aquaculture Society, New Orleans, LA. 2023
  • "Understanding aquaculture biosecurity to improve catfish disease management in Ogun and Delta states, Nigeria." Aquaculture America, World Aquaculture Society, New Orleans, LA. 2023
  • "Elucidation of virulence-associated proteins encoded by Flavobacterium covae, an important channel catfish pathogen." 103rd Annual Conference CRWAD, Research Workers in Animal Diseases , Chicago, IL. 2023
  • "Microcystin-LR exposure predisposes channel catfish to bacterial diseases." 103rd Annual Conference CRWAD, Research Workers in Animal Diseases , Chicago, IL. 2023
  • "How to Provide Input." MSU Fish Health Update, MSU CVM and Extension Service, Macon, MS. 2022
  • "Haplotype and genomic variation in atypical Aeromonas hydrophila (aAh) of channel catfish aquaculture in the US ." 101st Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases Dec 5-8, 2020, CRWAD, CHICAGO. 2020
  • "Identifying potential agents causing fish disease outbreaks in Mississippi Delta using metagenomics." MCBIOS 2018, MidSouth Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society, Starkville, MS. 2018


  • "Comparative Genomic Analysis of Aeromonas hydrophila: Understanding Genetic Diversity and Virulence Traits." Amer Soc Microbiol S Central Annual Branch Mtg, American Society for Microbiology, Little Rock, AR. 2023
  • "Exploring fish isolate Pseudomonas rhodesiae through Genome Sequencing and Comparative Genomics." Amer Soc Microbiol S Central Annual Branch Mtg, American Society for Microbiology, Little Rock, AR. 2023
  • "Identification and Clustering Network of Virulent Aeromonas Hydrophila C16-13425 Hypothetical Proteins." ISMB/ECCB 2021, International Society for Computational Biology, Virtual. 2021